Work is now well under way on the 2013 Doctor Who Christmas Special, which will be the last episode to star Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor, and will also introduce Peter Capaldi as the Twelfth Doctor.
The readthrough for the episode, which has been written by head writer and executive producer Steven Moffat, was held in Cardiff on Wednesday 4 September. Those present alongside Matt and Steven included the Special’s director, Jamie Payne (who previously directed this year’s Hide) and Jenna Coleman (who plays Clara Oswald).
As you can see from the photograph above, Matt has had quite a severe haircut since the last episode of Doctor Who that he made, earlier this year.
“I did it for a film,” Matt said recently, “but it means I have to wear a wig in Doctor Who (for the Christmas episode), which is a nightmare! I’m excited, I start shooting the Christmas Special on Sunday (8 September). It’ll be sad – the end of a wonderful era!”
As is traditional, the Special will be broadcast on BBC One on Christmas Day, Wednesday 25 December.