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In an exclusive interview with Doctor Who Magazine, Tom Baker revisits his first series as the Fourth Doctor ahead of its forthcoming Blu-ray release!
Doctor Who Magazine 526 also includes:
- Actor and producer Georgia Tennant on how life has changed for the Doctor’s daughter since her Doctor Who debut in 2008
- DWM examines script editor Robert Holmes’ formula for Doctor Who and how it continues to inspire the series today
- An interview with Roger Murray-Leach, the acclaimed Doctor Who production designer
- DWM remembers Kevin Lindsay, the actor who played the first Sontarans
- The story of how Doctor Who lead a marketing campaign for Ty-Phoo tea bags in 1976
- The Greatest Show in the Galaxy‘s Jessica Martin talks to DWM about the return of her character, Mags, in comic book form
- A look at how new Doctor Whos were introduced to the public in the 80s
- Part Three of The Clockwise War, a new comic strip adventure featuring the Doctor and Bill
- The Time Team tackles tearjerker episodes from 1982, 2006 and 2010
- Previews, DVD and audio reviews, news, The Blogs of Doom, prize-winning competitions and much, much more!
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