Everyone loves a prison drama, right? This epic six-part story takes the Fifth Doctor, Adric (Matthew Waterhouse), Nyssa (Sarah Sutton) and Tegan (Janet Fielding) and packs them away to Beyond – a jail on a distant alien planet.
Naturally, there’s something else on the planet too, something that adds an infinite agony to their life sentence. What’s coming to those who stay too long in Beyond is almost too hideous to contemplate: alive and conscious, deprived of their senses and all movement… just locked in, alone in a darkness that lasts forever. Brrr!
What terrible price must the time travellers pay to escape and return to their old lives?
Written by James Kettle, this audio drama can be ordered from bigfinish.com (£22.99 for CD and download, £18.99 download only), but we have copies for FIVE lucky readers who can give us the answer to this question.