What pernicious creation leaps immediately to mind when you see the phrase “dominant species”? The Quarks, of course! Or rather the Dominators – the hulking conquerors of Dulkis faced by the Second Doctor – but where would they be without their head-spinning, arm-flapping, chirruping, robot servants?

This release features two more stories for Tom Baker’s Fourth Doctor, Harry (Christopher Naylor) and Naomi (Eleanor Crooks): Dominant Species by John Dorney and also The Face in the Storm by Sarah Grochala. Producer David Richardson says: “Naomi and Harry’s journeys with the Doctor are heading to their end – we know where they go next, but how do they get there? Dominant Species throws danger and secrets from the past at the two companions, as destiny awaits…”

You can order a copy from bigfinish.com (£19.99 for CD and download, £16.99 download only), but we have FIVE copies to give away. Just send us the answer to the following question to enter.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The competitions are open from Thursday 15 August to Wednesday 11 September. One entry per person. The competitions are not open to employees of DOCTOR WHO MAGAZINE or anyone else connected with DWM, the printers or their families. Winners will be the first correct entries drawn after the closing date. No purchase necessary. DWM will not enter into any correspondence. Winners’ names and county of residence will be available on doctorwhomagazine.com. Entrants under 16 years of age must have parental permission to enter. To read the BBC’s code of conduct for competitions and voting visit https://www.bbc.com/editorialguidelines/guidance/code-of-conduct. Prizes will be sent to winners as soon as possible.